(1) 도커 인스턴스로 접속 (NEXUS가 실행되고 있는 호스트에서 실행)

docker exec -it -u 0 containerID bash

접속되면.. java 파일의 위치를 찾는다

find / -name java

그리고 명령어로 Orient DB콘솔로 접속

java -jar /opt/sonatype/nexus/lib/support/nexus-orient-console.jar

update user SET password="$shiro1$SHA-512$1024$NE+wqQq/TmjZMvfI7ENh/g==$V4yPw8T64UQ6GfJfxYq2hLsVrBY8D1v+bktfOxGdt4b/9BthpWPNUy/CBk6V9iA0nHpzYzJFWO8v/tZFtES8CA==" UPSERT WHERE id="admin"

그리고 컨테이너 restart
하면 된다..

일번적으로 이렇게 하면 Default 암호로 변경된다.

혹시 이래도 안되면

To reset the default security realms, enter this command at the karaf prompt:
delete from realm
그리고 컨테이너 restart
하면 된다..

혹시 이래도 안되면

  1. Optional, if the admin user is missing the "nx-admin" role:

    Check to see what roles the "admin" user has assigned to them:

    select * from user_role_mapping where userID = "admin"

    If they are missing "nx-admin" use this command at the karaf prompt to fix:

    update user_role_mapping set roles = ["nx-admin"] where userID = "admin"  
  2. Optional, check to see if the admin user is active:

    Check to see if the "admin" user is active:

    select status from user where id = "admin"

    If they are not active, use this to make them active:

    update user set status="active" upsert where id="admin"
  3. To end the console session gracefully type "exit".

  4. Start Nexus again using ./bin/nexus start or your regular service control command.

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