[root@dockertest1 /]# mount -t nfs xx.xx.xx.xx:/gpu_docker  /Analytics

Job for rpc-statd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status rpc-statd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

요렇게 날때 

systemctl status rpc-statd.service 

mount -t nfs xx.xx.xx.xx:/gpu_docker  /Analytics

요렇게 해보세요

음 안되면

systemctl enable nfs-idmap && systemctl start nfs-idmap

systemctl enable nfs-client.target && systemctl start nfs-client.target

요렇게 하고 다시 해보세요

근데 리부팅후에 안될수도 있을듯...그러면

systemctl enable   rpcbind.service   # for the next reboot

요렇게 해주면 됩니다

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